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Message from the Creator

blog Thailand is an enchantment, a place where the heavens conspired to bless the land with great natural beauty and abundance. Growing up in the Kingdom as a young child was a magical experience. I was constantly being dazzled by the astonishing variety of festivals, temple fairs and bustling marketplaces that were filled with a carnival atmosphere of good-natured fun and fellowship. Smiles were found everywhere and happiness was reflected in the faces of people truly enjoying the benefits of belonging to such a rich and unified cultural heritage, most especially evident in the flamboyant costumes, songs and dances that were always such an important part of any gathering.

From the pomp and pageantry of the Royal Barge Procession on the Chao Phraya river, or the famous Flower processions in the Northern provinces and the Candle Procession in the Northeast to the famous Loy Kratong festival taking place in all bodies of water throughout the Kingdom, Thailand was, as it still is, a magical place to me, filled with mystery, magic and exciting mythology.

Carnival Magic was inspired by the glorious sights, sounds and colors of my beloved homeland and we have endeavored to reflect the heart and soul and spirit of the land and its people in one joyous experience that combines the best of what Thailand means to me, and to all of us who share in the magic..

Carnival Magic is a childhood dream to recapture the true meaning of being Thai, by bringing smiles to the faces, joy to the hearts, and Happiness to Light.

Kittikorn Kewkacha

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